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Slips, trips and falls can happen anywhere,  on a level surface and from height, in the care setting both residents and staff are at risk of falling from a height, and these falls can be put into 3 categories the first is Accidental falls, the second category is falls arising due to a confused or inhibited mental state, and the third category is deliberate self-harm.  All three are major risks, however, some may be more common than the others depending on what type of care home you are in. Therefore, it is imperative that risks are adequately managed in reference to both the premises as a whole, and each individual resident.

         Windows are a major risk if they do not meet appropriate standards, and it is possible for falls from all three categories to occur.  Barriers and access windows must be correct, and it is as important that no furniture or other items that could enable a resident to overcome the safety systems in place. If a window restrictor is used, it must not allow the window to open further than 100mm, it must also be strong enough to withstand force from residents, damage from the environment and should require a special key/tool for removal. Balconies also present risks, and where there are balconies, suitable safety measures should be in place.

         Stairs are also a major hazard, and should a resident have specific needs for stairs then it must be documented in their care plan. Stair gates and stair lifts are very common in care homes, and they should be regularly maintained so that they are not faulty and cause a fall. Any change in level should be made obvious, even to people who are visually impaired, and proper hand rails should be considered.

         Employees who are working at height must take every precaution to ensure their own safety as well as the safety of others around them. As an employee, you should try and do as much work from the ground as possible, as well as making sure that you wear the right PPE to protect yourself from any objects which may fall. When work at height cannot be avoided, it is essential that any risks of falls are minimised, and if the employee is not comfortable with doing said work, then they must not do it. Again, any equipment used, including ladders, must be checked regularly, so as to avoid any injuries.