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Residents and employees can have accidents as a result of a slip, trip or fall in a care home, so it is vital to do everything possible to avoid them. Many different factors can cause a slip, trip or fall, including: slippery surfaces, uneven surfaces, trip hazards, obstructions, dim lighting or even just moving too quickly.

Identifying and controlling factors is a must, to minimise the risk of a slip, trip or fall occurring. Residents in care homes are normally the most vulnerable to this, and there are lots of factors which can put them at a higher risk, such as: impaired vision, dementia, altered or limited mobility, low blood pressure and certain medications. Since a slip, trip or fall to a vulnerable resident can have a serious impact on their overall health, measures must be taken to keep the risk as low as possible.

Measures such as:

>      Slip-resistant flooring where spillages are probable, such as within bathrooms and kitchens.

>      Hallways and thoroughfares should be kept clear of obstacles and clutter.

>      Loose and trailing wires should be tended to and used equipment must be returned to its appropriate store whenever it is not in use, and finally

>      Suitable footwear must be worn at all times by both residents and staff.